Melons / Griselet (F1) Melon Seed

Griselet (F1) Melon Seed



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Exquisite old-fashioned flavor.

Succulent and sweet, this hybrid version of the heirloom ‘Petit Gris de Rennes’ looks and tastes like the French original but is protected by modern disease resistance. Unique greenish-yellow, green-sutured rind attracts attention, as does the intoxicating scent. Creamy and smooth—practically melts in your mouth! The sweetness is accented with hints of exotic spice. Can be cut from the vigorous, healthy vines when skin yellows and rind gives slightly from your touch.

Disease Resistance:

Alternaria Blight (Intermediate)

  • Fusarium Wilt races 0–2 (High)


    • Packet: 15 seeds
    • Avg. 18,600 seeds/lb