Melons / Triton (F1) Melon Seed

Triton (F1) Melon Seed



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Great-tasting Eastern shipper.

A delicious cantaloupe that withstands the rigors of storage and handling. With excellent crack tolerance, disease resistance, and good shelf-life, Triton is comparable to Athena but has improved flavor, a smaller seed cavity, slightly smaller fruit (avg. 4–5 1/2 lb.), and earlier maturity (up to 3 days). Harvest at full-slip or when background color is tan. Bred by Jason Cavatorta of EarthWork Seeds.

Disease Resistance:

Fusarium Wilt races 0–2 (High)

  • Powdery Mildew (Intermediate)
  • Specs:

    • Packet: 30 seeds
    • Avg. 19,000 seeds/lb